La biblio
Les lectures qui façonnent notre vision du mouvement et d’un quotidien vivace.
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up - Marie Kondo [2014]
Safe Infant Sleep - James J. McKenna [2020]
Plasticus Maritimus - Ana Pêgo [2018]
The Story of the Human Body - Daniel E. Lieberman [2013]
The Chair - Galen Cranz [1998]
Lifelong Kindergarten - Mitchel Resnick [2017]
Exercised - Daniel E. Lieberman [2021]
Active Birth - Janet Balaskas [1992]
Make Space - Scott Doorley & Scott Witthoft (IDEO) [2011]
Atomic Habits - James Clear [2018]
Diaper Free - Ingrid Bauer [2006]
Family Business - Malinda Chouinard & Jennifer Ridgeway (Patagonia) [2016]
Natural Playscapes - Rusty Keeler [2008]
Playborhood - Mike Lanza [2012]
Our Tribal Future - David R. Samson [2023]
Playing With Movement - Todd Hargrove [2019]
Comfort Crisis - Michael Easter [2021]
Grow Wild - Katy Bowman [2021]
Healthy Deviant - Pilar Gerasimo [2020]
Hold On to Your Kids - Gordon Neufeld & Gabor Maté [2013]
Last Child in the Woods - Richard Louv [2005]
Move Your DNA - Katy Bowman [2014]
Outlive - Peter Attia MD [2023]
Smart Moves - Carla Hannaford [1995]
The Continuum Concept - Jean Liedloff [1975]
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